Dubi Logo

Know Your Users & Drive Engagement.

Dubi is a powerful customer survey tool that enables you to gain a deep understanding of your customers' needs and preferences, driving informed decision-making and enhanced engagement.

Dubu Dashboard UI

Key Features

Easy to use

Easy to use

Streamline feedback collection with our user-friendly interface, making NPS and survey creation a breeze for everyone.

Customize your forms

Customize your forms

Tailor surveys to your brand's essence with comprehensive customization options that match your unique style.

Save time & money

Save time & money

Boost efficiency and cut costs by automating feedback collection, eliminating manual efforts and paper-based surveys.

High Delivery

High Delivery

Ensure your surveys reach their intended recipients promptly, guaranteeing valuable insights from a wider audience.

Integrate with your tools

Integrate with your tools

Seamlessly connect with your existing tools and workflows for effortless data synchronization and actionable analytics.

Get rid of bots & spam

Get rid of bots & spam

Shield your surveys from unwanted interference, ensuring only genuine responses contribute to your decision-making process.

Say goodbye to painful excels

Beautiful survey widgets with a native feel

Craft engaging surveys that seamlessly blend into your user experience, enhancing response rates and data quality.

  • Stunning surveys that match your platform's aesthetics.
  • Seamless experience on all devices.
  • Customized widgets for brand consistency.
Ask the right question at the right time
Ask the right question at the right time

Integrations for all your needs

Integrate & connect with your favorite tools

Simplify tool integration using our developer-friendly APIs, allowing seamless alignment with your apps.

  • Effortlessly incorporate our platform into your applications.
  • Seamlessly transfer information between systems.
  • Tailor integrations to match your app's unique needs.

Build Surveys faster

Ask the right question at the right time

Enhance your survey process with quick creation, ensuring timely and insightful responses.

  • Rapidly build surveys using our intuitive interface.
  • Display questions based on user actions for insights.
  • Modify surveys on-the-fly to address changing needs.
Ask the right question at the right time